Every parent knows that children are supposed to have several immunizations before attending school. What parents may not know is the risk of getting those
The website of the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has a page stating “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Concerns/Autism/Index.html). One of the studies supporting that statement, the “2004 Pediatrics Paper,” showed that age at immunization was not a factor in development of autism. The current CDC website still
supports that conclusion (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Concerns/Autism/cdc2004pediatrics.html).
What CDC does not yet admit is that one of the authors of the 2004 Pediatrics Paper has blown the whistle on inaccuracies in the study. Now filled with
shame when meeting those affected by his paper, he “has stopped lying” as he did when he and others buried the fact that early MMR immunization was directly linked to development of autism, most especially in black boys
who were found to be 345% more likely autistic than those getting immunizations later.
My recommendation is to give children the fewest allowable immunizations, and to give them at the oldest practicable age. A study of disease will show that
the best defense against disease is wellness founded on good nutrition.
One source of more information is https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/category/vaccinegate/