Sunday, December 20, 2009

Today in Health Care "Reform"

We are rapidly approaching a critical point in the destruction of the United States of America. The democrat machine, led by the once popular Barack Obama, is steamrolling through congress an unpopular, destructive, unfathomably expensive "health care reform" -- that is their label for the democrat takeover of 1/6 of the economy of the USA.

They have progressed to the point that there is no obvious way for patriotic Americans to stop them. They appear to have the votes to stop debate and pass the bill. There are not enough known votes to block them.

What they have not counted on is the power of prayer. As Christian patriots unite in prayer to Almighty God to preserve this Union that was established by His mighty hand, He is able to block the traitors in their foul plans. At least one senator has ridiculed calls for prayer to stop the betrayal of our nation. He does not seem to know about the Tower of Babel when mankind chose to oppose God.

Although I can not say what God's plans for our once-great nation are, I am confident that He is ABLE to turn the vote any way He chooses. It is my fervent prayer that He will thwart the "unstoppable" plans of the majority and preserve and protect our nation.

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