Sunday, November 4, 2007


Everything I have to say will be consistent with what I have learned from the Bible, and with my best understanding of current nutritional research. Although I am not a physician nor a certified nutritionist, I have greatly enhanced my wellness by following what I have learned by extensive study. A few selected references are listed on the Authorities page (below).

No matter what your wellness concern, it is likely to be improved by proper nutrition. For an overall perspective, see the Wheel of Wellness also (below).

From the consistent teaching of the Authorities, I strongly encourage everyone to adopt a whole foods, plant-based diet. Dr. Colin Campbell found animal protein to be the switch that turns cancer on (and lack of it turns cancer off!). Further, in decades of research, he found that the less animal products one consumes, the better the prospect for wellness. Dr. Dean Ornish found that a diet low in meat and fat was very beneficial to those with heart disease. Also, the trend toward perpared food has adversely affected the wellness of western society; the less processing our food gets, the better its nutritive value. The typical western diet includes about 42% fat (mostly animal fat), far above the 30% in the "Recommended Dietary Goals for the U.S.", and even farther above the 12% fat in the macrobiotic diet. Which provides the best wellness? Without question, people on the macrobiotic or Hallelujah diet have wellness far better than the typical consumer of the western diet.

I personally have adapted the Hallelujah Diet as my guide for eating. If I had known about macrobiotics sooner, I might have tried it instead; they appear to be comparable in terms of effectiveness. I am not aware of any detailed comparisons, nor of anyone who switched from one to the other and found better wellness. There are countless witnesses to the wellness benefit of changing from the typical western diet to either Hallelujah Diet or macrobiotics.

I also strongly encourage the avoidance of manufactured beverages. Many contain sugar in quantities that are far in excess of what the body can deal with, contributing to our epidemic of obesity and diabetes. Diet beverages are even worse; not only is Aspartame (Nutrasweet), the most common sugar substitute, poison, but also the demonstrated effect of diet beverages is to induce the body to consume more sweets. The proven effect of diet beverages is continual weight gain; don't take my word for it -- research it for yourself.

The beverage of choice at my table (whether at home or away) is Wellness Water. It hydrates far better than other waters on the market: it has been filtered to remove objectionable materials, and it has been enhanced to provide the properties that hydrate better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wellness Is my concern too!
I've been macrobiotic for 30 years now and loving it more and more everyday, I am on this planet!
Here's a Press Release and check out my website: and give me a call at 617-964-2951 for a brief chit-chat on where you are aand where you are going

For Immediate Release. Oct. 22, 2007
Contact person: David Snieckus 617-964-2951

Newton, MA. Oct, 22, 2007. “Let’s declare, ‘Peace with Breast Cancer’” announces David Snieckus of Newton, MA.,, and Macrobiotic Counselor and Chef for over 30 years. “Instead of bombarding the tumors with radiation or chemotherapy or invading woman’s bodies with a knife, let’s begin a more gentle and peaceful way. Let’s start by being grateful for our cancer as a messenger for us to address its cause and change our lifestyles!”

“Look,” continues Mr. Snieckus, “Tony Snow’s cancer is back, Elizabeth Edwards’ cancer is back. The medical treatments that they decided upon a few years ago were ultimately not effective. Why? Because, like most of us, Mr. Snow, Ms. Edwards and their doctors think that there is something outside of ourselves that can cure cancer. There is no cure for cancer except our immune systems. We can prevent and actually reverse cancer without doctors and their drugs by strengthening our immune systems! This begins right in our own kitchens with a change in our diets!” TIME Magazine, Oct. 15th 2007 pointed out that Breast Cancer is spreading around the world because of the American diet. I know that to be: too much white sugar; too much white flour; too much dairy products, like milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, especially ice cream;too much processed foods;too much french fries; too much salad dressings;too much chips; too much honey; too much chocolate; too much of any type sweeteners; too much spices; too much alcohol; too many birth control pills; too many drugs (over the counter or under);too many medications; too many chemically grown, processed and treated foods; too much meat;too many eggs; too much chicken; too much baked cakes, cookies and bread.

“When President Nixon gave his State of the Union address in January 1971, pronouncing a ‘War on Cancer’, I was just returning from Vietnam,” states Mr. Snieckus. “Since then, trillions of dollars have been spent on the ‘War on Cancer’. But all the research, all the drugs, all the surgeries for cancer have not resulted in long term health. These approaches may have prolonged the lives of some, but most all cancer survivors, like Tony Snow and Elizabeth Edwards, experience recurrences. Why? Most likely because they did not change their eating habits and their lifestyles.” In declaring an end to the “War on Cancer”, David wants everyone to know that “cancer is not necessarily the deadly disease we have accepted in our collective consciousness. Of course, we have to be serious about it, but cancer needs to be looked at differently. Cancer treatments need a new approach. Instead of a war on cancer, with drugs, radiation and surgery, we can declare peace with cancer and see it for what it really is: A wake-up call to take better care of our bodies and feed ourselves properly! A messenger for healthy changes!”

Mr. Snieckus has researched chronic illness, especially cancer, since 1977. With his knowledge and wisdom, he has taken on the great challenge of helping to shape the new era of health and wellness in America.

He says, “Call off the doctors, call off the drugs, call off the chemicals, call off the surgeries. The war is over. Cancer can be our friend. Cancer is a healthy reaction to an unhealthy lifestyle. There is no medical cure for cancer. Cancer is the cure. See cancer as your ally and peacefully change your diet and lifestyle.”

David Snieckus is currently writing the book, THE CURE: Change YOUR Eating! For more information and a FREE REPORT, David can be reached at