Thursday, October 8, 2009

Book Review: Why Christians Get Sick, by Dr. George H. Malkmus

This little (128 page) book helped steer me toward lifetime wellness – or as I've learned to call it, The Stewardship of Wellness. A friend who cared very much about me gave me a copy with his endorsement, and I ran with it.

George Malkmus is a preacher, not a medical doctor, but his teaching has brought new life and extended wellness to many thousands of people who suffered with any number of diseases and didn't know where to turn. Why Christians Get Sick helped them see a way to eliminate the poison that they were putting into their bodies, and to replace it with wholesome, nutritious live food.

Dr. Malkmus faced the same question as many, if not most, Christians: What is the role of sin in illness? Really, why do Christians get sick? I can remember when my sister had some serious health challenges and some do-gooders challenged her, saying that she was sick because of sin. “Better 'fess up and be cleansed of the sin and the disease will go away.” But that view doesn't seem to fit with all the apparently godly Christians that we see getting sick or dying.

Without going through the book point by point, I can see a lot of overlap between the book and my “Wheel of Wellness”. There are a number of factors that can contribute to or undermine our good health. Some are obvious, such as diet and exercise. Others are less obvious but still key contributors, such as stress and negative emotions. No matter how highly you score in some areas, a low score in others may leave you open to serious disease or death. Balance is essential to genuine wellness.

Although many have read Why Christians Get Sick and responded quite positively, others might be put off by the “preachy” style. There are several reasons for that: First, Dr. Malkmus is a preacher. Second, he is passionate about bringing wellness to those who suffer. Third, he wrote this book fairly early in his wellness crusade, so it preceded some of his growth in ability to relate to others. If you read with an understanding of why Dr. Malkmus is so forceful, it may enable you to accept his teaching without having to like his style. If you want to meet the “new” Dr. Malkmus, go to his current website,

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